Psychodynamic psychology

Psychodynamic psychology is a major school of psychology practiced today throughout the world. It holds as its belief that therapeutic work must seek out, in each and every patient, that which is natural, healthy and simple, and reintegrate those aspects into our personality when needed and when possible.

Psychodynamic psychology speaks to us about a richly human, unconscious inner world that largely effects our feelings, life choices, relationships, and world views, behavior and moods. Psychodynamic psychotherapy and psychoanalysis build bridges to that unconscious mental life to connect us to ourselves. This is an invitation to holistic human development through a firm sense of identity, and the possibility to mature while meeting the challenges encountered during our life cycle. Being able to connect with this inner world of ours greatly enhances our personal resources, our self-image and a future with meaning.

Conclusive research carried out for the past several decades to the present day in different parts of the world consistently shows the great effectiveness of psychodynamic therapy, and states that it is the treatment of choice, in all of its different forms, for a great many types of mental disorders.

Neuroscience has, since the beginning of the 21st century, provided solid biological evidence of most psychodynamic tenets through modern imaging techniques that allow us to finally observe the functioning of the human central nervous system. We are thus able to now view how different cerebral structures and cell tissues actively support the mental functions we´ve so long known about.

Psychodynamic psychotherapy is practiced today in public and private mental health institutions, and in private consulting rooms. Practitioners may hold medical degrees or degrees in clinical psychology, but have always, when properly educated, been very specifically and thoroughly trained in accredited institutions.